
Refund Requests Create The Greatest Risk - And The Greatest Opportunity

Revenue Retention Company specializes in solving refund requests, satisfying escalated customers, and providing actionable insights for companies who sell education and mentorship programs.

Who Does Revenue Retention Company Help?

We specialize in solving refund requests, removing chargebacks, and assisting escalated customers for companies who sell education, coaching and mentorship programs.

What do you get when Revenue Retention Co handles your refund requests, chargebacks, and escalated customer concerns?

0 K+

refund requests resolved

$ 0 M

in revenue retained for our clients

0 +

years of experience in refund resolutions

$ 0

fees charged for resolutions leading to full refunds


The Risks

Refund requests that are disregarded or poorly handled lead to negative reviews, chargebacks, and legal issues

Studies show that just one well-written negative review can drive up to 30% of new business away

Repeated chargebacks can limit your opportunity to process payments and collect revenue

An accumulation of negative reviews, complaints, and legal issues can lead to agency attention and involvement

The Opportunity

Our highly skilled Customer Experience experts are trained to reach solutions that are in alignment with your company’s values, refund policy, and fulfillment capabilities
with the help of our advanced AI tool, we identify, analyze and interpret patterns within student experiences which have led to refund requests

Our “Actionable Insights” offer simple solutions to recurring customer complaints and can vastly improve customer experience when implemented

These conversations are sensitive, emotional, risky, and time consuming. Leave this work to the experts, so your team can focus on what they do best: inspiring, leading, and training the next generation of customers to reach their goals through your mentorship programs

“ Why are so many of our customers requesting refunds? ”

We all know the saying, “What gets measured gets improved.” Through successfully resolving over 13,000 refund requests, we’ve uncovered the 20 indicators that matter most. Tracking these indicators over time reveals trends and patterns that can inform decisions on how to enhance each customers’ experience.

Data Analysis and AI Pave the Way

What Our Customers Have to Say.

How Does It Work?

Five Simple Steps

Revenue Retention Company

Free Consultation

Complete the form to receive a FREE consultation to learn how to benefit from and reduce your refund requests, chargebacks, and escalated customers

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